Air Quality Permit Notice Map
Notice Map?
As part of our mission to provide the public with information about air quality, we have created a map of facilities in the region who have open and closed air quality permit action requests. The map shows residents the locations and provides general information about the permits. We hope this information will allow residents and stakeholders to stay up to date with new activity that might affect air their quality.
Air Quality Permits
TCEQ has an air permits division that is located in the Office of Air that issues and reviews multiple permits throughout the state. It includes seven major sections related to permitting. Each section under the Air Permits Division preforms one of the following:
- New Source Review (NSR) authorizations.
- Federal operating permits.
- Alternate (streamlined) authorization mechanisms for NSR and *Title V processes; and
- Support all other programs within the division.
*Title V is the Federal major source operating permit program. It was designed to standardize air quality permits and the permitting process for major sources of emissions across the country.

Types of Permits
There are 3 types of permits that TCEQ offers.
- Air New Source Review Permits - a permit for a new or modified source of air emission.
- Air Operating Permits (Title V) - - a permit to operate major industrial and or certain other industrial sites.
- Greenhouse Gas Permitting - permitting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Texas.
TCEQ reviews applications for many different environmental permits. Each type of permit application has its own review process. In a number of cases, the permitting process calls for the applicant to publish one or more public notices that invite the public to comment and sometimes to participate in other ways.
Public Notice: Participating in the Process
Most air quality permits require the agency to release a Consolidated Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit and Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision. This information is what allows us to track and deliver information to the public via the permit map.
This map will help residents and stakeholders to participate in the permitting process for these types of applications. If you wish to read the notice online, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database.
Participation Options in Public Notices
- Submitting a Comment- state any issues regarding the pending application
- Signing up for the mailing list- receive future public notices
- Requesting a public meeting- request that our staff and the applicant meet with the public to answer questions
- Requesting a contested case hearing- request that TCEQ commission refer one or more matters raised during the comment period to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH
You can use eComments to submit a comment, request a public meeting, or request a contested case hearing online.
Using the Map
Our Notice map is compiled of data from the TCEQ. Map functions and icons allows you to;
- + Zoom in
- - Zoom out
- >> Legend
Selecting location icons will reveal an in-dept look at the permit, providing location specific information.

Along with the location of the facility requesting the permit, it provides;
- The permit number
- Type of Facility
- Contaminants (pollutes from the facility)
- Date the permit was requested.
- Date the permit comes available for renewal.