Past Air Central Texas Awards

2022 Air Central Texas Awards

Air Central Texas held the awards for the seventh time in 2023 to recognize our region’s leaders who have made a significant difference in air quality in Central Texas. The 2023 Air Central Texas award categories included:

  • Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award - recognizes an activity by an organization that helps reduce local air pollution past year.
  • Air Central Texas Media Award - recognizes exceptional media coverage of air quality or air quality issues within the past year.
  • Air Central Texas Environmental Education Award - recognizes an individual or organization that has exhibited exceptional leadership in air quality education over the past year.
  • Air Aware Student Leadership Award - recognizes a student who has had a significant and lasting impact on Central Texas air quality in their community.
  • Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award - recognizes an individual who has had a significant and lasting impact on Central Texas air quality.

2023 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award

Movability received the 2023 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award for their exceptional efforts to help reduce local air pollution. Movability currently has 86 member organizations, representing roughly 30,000 employees. Through their work, these organizations offer commuter benefits and reduce demand for drive-alone trips and parking resources. Members have logged 7,500 commute trips a year, which has resulted in a 24-ton reduction in CO2, a 31.4 lb. reduction in NOX, and saved commuters roughly $34,000.

(From left: Bill Schnell, Lonny Stern, and Alexander Terrazas)

KXAN Rich Segal

2023 Air Central Texas Media Award

Rich Segal received the 2023 Air Central Texas Media Award for his exceptional media coverage of air quality or air quality issues within the past year as a meteorologist at KXAN TV. Rich kept Central Texans informed on Air Quality, regularly announcing Ozone Action Days, and highlighting the Be Air Smart School Sensor program, which is jointly run by Air Central Texas, the Clean Air Force of Central Texas and Austin FC.

Dr Peter Beck Headshot

2023 Air Central Texas Environmental Education Award

Dr. Peter Beck received the 2023 Air Central Texas Environmental Education Award for his exceptional leadership on air quality and environmental education. Dr. Beck was an Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP) at St. Edward's University from 2003-2023. Dr. Beck was responsible for starting the ENSP program at St. Edward's, which has taught thousands of students about the effects of environmental pollution on ecosystems and human communities, and the pros and cons of various policy solutions. He passed away in the summer of 2023 and was represented by St. Edward's Dean of the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Catherine Campbell.

Oliva Prior

2023 Air Aware Student Leadership Award

Olivia Prior received the 2023 Air Aware Student Leadership Award for her exceptional leadership and lasting impact on Central Texas air quality. Olivia is a St. Edward’s University student in the Environmental Science and Policy program. She is the Governmental Affairs Director for Students for Sustainability and a Senator for the Student Government Association. She is also an Officer for the Ecology Club at St. Edward's. In these leadership capacities, she shares information about the importance of reducing air pollution during Ozone Action Days, the availability and impact of using public transportation, and how we can rethink transportation and commuting in Austin.


2023 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award

Bill Gibbs received the 2023 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award for his distinguished work as the Execute Director of the Clean Air Force of Central Texas. A lifelong advocate of sustainability, he is committed to keeping air quality in Central Texas in compliance with EPA standards so all can enjoy healthy air. As leader of the Clean Air Force, Bill reached out to local businesses, non-profits, educational institutions, and government agencies to bring them together as advocates for reduction of air pollution. Jim Stephens, Clean Air Force's current Executive Director, accepted the award on Bill's behalf.

St Edwards University
Clean Air Force
Air Central Texas
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Act Awards 22 Bastrop Group

2022 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award

The City of Bastrop, Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) & Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance (LSCFA)

The 3 coordinated the establishment of transit alternatives that blended electric cabs and smaller transit vehicles into an app-based on-demand micro-transit service (CARTS NOW). They utilized electric and fuel-efficient vehicles to provide a higher level of service to both residents and visitors to Bastrop while reducing vehicle miles traveled and pollutants. The effectiveness of the project saw a 300% increase in ridership while reducing the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs), thus a reduction in nitrate oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM10). Such reductions lend themselves readily toward our region maintaining compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Their efforts garnered national as well as international attention with the information derived from the project in Bastrop providing the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) and the DOE with a greater understanding of rural mobility.

The City of Bastrop is growing Central Texas City that is committed to multi-modal transportation as evidenced by its adopted Comprehensive Plan as well as its financial commitment toward sustaining a micro-transit infrastructure.

Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) delivers transportation tailored specifically for each of the many communities served in Central Texas. This venture is consistent with CARTS’s commitment to bring mobility improvements the residents and visitors within its service area.

Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance (LSCFA) is an Austin-based non-profit that is part of the Department of Energy’s national Clean Cities program. LSCF works to advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels, energy efficient mobility systems, and other fuel-saving technologies.

David Yeomans 2

2022 Air Central Texas Media Award

David Yeomans received the 2022 Air Central Texas Media Award for his exceptional media coverage of air quality or air quality issues within the past year as chief meteorologist at KXAN TV. David has been actively involved with all aspects of Air Quality in Central Texas by working to keep public “Air Aware” with regularly announcing Ozone Action Days and becoming a regular attendant of Clean Air Force's annual Meteorologists Luncheon and Air Quality Professional Forum. He has interviewed air quality professionals on air and supports the use of air quality sensors in schools. Unfortunately, David could not be with us as he is fresh off his honeymoon and had some work to catch up on.

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2022 Air Central Texas Environmental Education Award

Dr. Amy Concilio received the 2022 Air Central Texas Environmental Education Award for her exceptional leadership on air quality and environmental education. Dr. Concilio is an Associate Professor of Environmental Science at St. Edward's University where she teaches climate change, natural resource conservation and management and has previously been involved with the City of Austin's Climate Equity Plan. She is a leader in the Environmental Science and Policy program and one of the most popular instructors at the university. She employs a diversity of research methods, including ecological field trials, greenhouse experiments, and stakeholder interviews to measure impacts of global change on plant communities and ecosystems and to test the effectiveness and feasibility of land management approaches. As an instructor, she believes strongly in ensuring that her students understand the value of trees in the air pollution cycle and why they are so important to preserve. She is part of the Tree Campus campaign and was a founding member of the Food Forest, established on campus this year. Dr. Concilio has inspired hundreds of students to follow their passion with causes important to local air quality issues.

Dr  Paul Walter

2022 Air Central Texas Researcher Award

Dr. Paul Walter received the 2022 Air Central Texas Researcher Award for his findings in the field of air quality in Austin, San Antonio, and other areas of Texas. His research included ozonesonde launches to understand ozone formation and concentrations in the atmosphere. An ozonesonde is a lightweight, balloon-borne instrument, similar to a weather balloon but with ozone measurement tools include, that measures various atmospheric parameters and transmits them by radio to a ground receiver. His research revealed the ozone concentrations at different altitudes and how ozone is transported within the atmosphere. An understanding of ozone transportation and concentrations allows the region to understand other area’s impact on local ozone levels.

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2022 Air Aware Student Leadership Award

Ethan Tobias received the 2022 Air Aware Student Leadership Award for his role with the Office of Sustainability for St. Edwards University as Intern. As the Sustainability Intern for St. Edward's University, Ethan has spearheaded the efforts to raise awareness for Environmental and Climate Justice and has promoted cleaner and healthier practices for all types of pollution. In his role with the Office of Sustainability, he has promoted renewable energy, the importance of trees, and using public transportation to help reduce our burden. He also shares information regarding air quality alert days with the campus community and worked with the Clean Air Force in hosting their local meeting on campus. Ethan is also the President of Students for Sustainability and uses his role there to not only share this information with them, but facilitate their role as advocates for a cleaner, more sustainable lifestyle; particularly with promoting renewable energy efforts on campus and encouraging carpooling and public transportation. Ethan has promoted and empowered the groups where he leads, has helped shaped policy and projects at the university, and has helped elevate Climate Justice as one of the pillars of the university's strategic plan. He also coordinates Tree Campus USA team, helping them maintain their designation for the last 7 years.

Act Awards 22 Capcog Group

2022 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award

Christiane Heggelund received the 2022 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award for her long lasting and distinguished work at the Capital Area Council of Governments. Christiane is an environmental scientist who supported the CAPCOG Air Quality Program for 6+ years. She primarily worked in air quality monitoring and technical analyses during her tenure at CAPCOG and was crucial in implementing the display of CAPCOG air quality monitoring data on EPA’s AirNow platform. This allowed residents of the region to access air quality data quickly and streamlined.Christiane’s work in establishing the reporting of CAPCOG’s air monitoring data on EPA’s AirNow site will benefit the region for as long as the site is active. She optimized CAPCOG’s ozone monitoring network in order to capture air quality data for the residents of the region by relocating monitors into more populous areas or areas with an air quality concern. During her tenure she oversaw the selection and execution of new ozone monitoring stations within the region to expand the region’s understanding of air pollution concentration differences. She performed spatial and tabular analyses of air quality and meteorological data for various CAPCOG regional air quality reports and was instrumental in writing the 2 EPA grants for fine particulate matter monitoring, which CAPCOG was awarded. Those EPA grants will allow an understanding of particulate matter concentrations in the region at a scale that the region has not seen in the past. Christiane performed emissions inventory work to refine and improve the data, that TCEQ and EPAuses, for the CAPCOG region in the on-road, non-road, and point source categories. This work will allow the TCEQ and EPA to refine emission inventory data for use in state and national analyses.

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2020 Air Central Texas Awards

Air Central Texas held the awards for the fifth time in 2020 to recognize our region’s leaders who have made a significant difference in air quality in Central Texas. The 2020 Air Central Texas award categories included:

  • Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award - recognizes an activity by an organization that has exhibited exceptional leadership on regional air quality issues within the past year.
  • Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award - recognizes an individual who has had a significant and lasting impact on Central Texas air quality.
Act Awards 2020 Trophies Very Small

2020 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award

Austin’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program received the 2020 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award for its commitment to decreasing the drive alone rate within Austin to reduce the impact of transportation emissions on regional air quality. In 2020, the TDM program’s public-facing Smart Trips Austin initiative expanded services city-wide to serve all Austinites by providing transportation information and personalized support in planning sustainable trips. Additionally, Smart Trips Austin launched a TDM resource website, The site provides residents, employers, schools, and visitors with information about using sustainable modes of transportation to travel throughout Austin. 

2020 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award

Travis County Judge Samuel Biscoe received the 2020 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award for his long and distinguished record of leadership and advocacy for protecting Central Texas’ air quality as a county judge and former CAC chair. Biscoe played a key role in ensuring that Travis County supported the region’s air quality plans in order to maintain attainment of federal air quality standards. When the region came close to violating the federal air quality standards for ozone in 2009, Travis County, under Biscoe’s leadership, developed “The Big Push” to educate the community and ensure the county used the most effective measures to change daily activities contributing to high ozone days. Biscoe served as a served as CAC representative for more than 10 years in order to support the regional effort toward the improvement of air quality.

2019 Air Central Texas Awards

Air Central Texas held the awards for the fourth time in 2019 to recognize our region’s leaders who have made a significant difference in air quality in Central Texas. The 2019 Air Central Texas award categories included:

  • Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award - recognizes an activity by an organization that has exhibited exceptional leadership on regional air quality issues within the past year.
  • Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award - recognizes an individual who has had a significant and lasting impact on Central Texas air quality.
2019 The Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award
(left to right) Clean Air Coalition Vice-Chair and City of San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson presents, Sharmila Mukherjee - Capital Metro Executive VP of Planning and Development, and Robert Borowski - Capital Metro Sustainability Officer, with the Air Central Texas Award for Outstanding Organization

2019 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority received the 2019 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization award for its commitment to being a sustainability service provider. In 2018, Capital Metro launched Connections 2025, a re-imagining of the transit service. This offered more frequent, connected and reliable service delivery which resulted in over 5% ridership increase - one of only a few transit agencies to see a significant increase in ridership. In 2020, Capital Metro will launch their first zero-emission electric buses. A total of ten buses will be put into service, and the North Ops Bus Depot will be transformed into one of the first fully electric ready bus depots with a capacity to expand the E-Bus fleet to over 180 buses.

2019 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award
Clean Air Coalition Vice-Chair and City of San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson (left) presents Scheleen Walker - Travis County Transportation and Natural Resources Long-Range Planning Director with the Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award. Walker has worked to improve air quality throughout her entire career

2019 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award

Scheleen Walker, Travis County received the 2019 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award for her career in air quality planning. While managing Travis County’s Air Quality Program, Ms. Walker was an essential partner in the development and implementation of the region’s ground-breaking, voluntary air quality improvement agreements. Working with the Texas Commission on Environment Quality and US Environmental Protection Agency, the region was able to enact voluntary regulations to reduce ozone-forming emissions, and remain in compliance with the Clean Air Act’s standards for ground-level ozone. During Ms. Walker’s first tenure at Travis County she was instrumental in crafting vehicle emissions testing legislation, and supporting Travis County’s buy-in of the program. As Legislative Director for Representative Donna Howard, Ms. Walker she facilitated the region’s air quality legislative agenda, and worked with Rep. Howard to author and pass legislation allowing local enforcement of heavy- duty vehicle idling restrictions. Now in her current position at Travis County, Ms. Walker continues to support efforts to reduce emissions and improve air quality in the County's long-range planning initiatives.

2018 Air Central Texas Awards

Air Central Texas held the awards for the third time in 2018 to recognition our region’s leaders who have made a significant difference in air quality in Central Texas. The 2018 Air Central Texas award categories included:

  • Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award - recognizes an activity by an organization that has exhibited exceptional leadership on regional air quality issues within the past year.
  • Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award - recognizes an individual who has had a significant and lasting impact on Central Texas air quality.
Outstanding Org ACT Awards
From left to right: Clean Air Coalition Vice-Chair Hays County Commissioner Ray Whisenant, Ann Hatton from Leander ISD,  Jeremy Trimble and Fritz Klabunde from Eanes ISD, and Anton Cox from CAPCOG.

Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization Award

Leander and Eanes ISDs received the 2018 Air Central Texas Outstanding Organization award for their adoption, leadership, advocacy, on propane-fueled school buses. The conversion of a diesel school bus to propane is estimated to reduce Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions by 1,488 pounds of NOx annually, and combined the ISDs are operating over 80 propane school buses. They were nominated by Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance. 

Pharr Andrews ACT Awards
Pharr Andrews former City of Austin Air Quality Program Coordinator with the Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award.

Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award

Pharr Andrews, City for Austin received the 2018 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award for her career at the City of Austin’s Air Quality program serving as the program’s coordinator. Andrews' helped develop of each of the region’s air quality plans, served on the Clean Air Coalition Advisory Committee including time as the committee's  chair, helped transfer the Commute Solutions Program to CAPCOG, and supported major public outreach campaigns including the creation of CAPCOG's Air Central Texas Program and the CLEAN Air Force's outreach to local meteorologist. Pharr was nominated by her former co-workers at the City of Austin's Transportation Department.

2017 Air Central Texas Awards

We hosted the Air Central Texas Awards on Nov. 15, 2017 at Green Pastures Austin to celebrate the organizations and individuals who have made significant contributions to regional air quality in Central Texas and to promote future action on the part of the community to support the goals of the region’s ongoing air quality planning efforts. At the 2017 awards we gave out awards in the following categories;

  • Air Central Texas Public Sector Award - recognizes action in the public sector that has help improved/protect regional air quality in the past year.
  • Air Central Texas Private/Non-Profit Sector Award - recognizes action in the private or non-profit sectors that has help improved/protect regional air quality in the past year.
  • Air Central Texas Media Award - recognizes outstanding media coverage (TV, print, radio, or digital) of air quality issues in the region.
  • Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award - recognizes an individual who has had a significant and lasting impact on Central Texas air quality.
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The Air Central Texas Public Sector Award

City of Austin – Transportation Department was awarded the Public Sector award for the Smart Commute Rewards program that incentivizes employees to change their commuting behaviors from single occupant vehicle use to more sustainable commuting options.

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Air Central Texas Private/Non-Profit Sector Award

Movability was awarded the Private/Non-Profit Sector award for working with employers to improve access and mobility by helping employees and visitors find and use viable travel options to reduce driving alone at rush hour.

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Air Central Texas Media Award

Emmis Communications Austin was awarded the Media awards for being a key media partner supporting the regional air quality messaging for at least a decade.

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Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award

Cathy Stephens from the Travis County Government was awarded the Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership award for her career work helping to pass legislation to allow designations of near non-attainment areas in Texas, helping pass idling legislation, and was a key staff member in getting Travis and Williamson counties to be the only counties in the country to voluntarily implement a mandatory Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance program.

Air Central Texas would like to thank all of the 2017 Air Central Texas Awards nominees:  City of Round Rock, Travis County Constable Stacy Suits, Endeavor Real Estate Group, Silicon Labs, CBS Austin – Weather Team, and David Allen from the University of Texas at Austin. 

2016 Air Central Texas Awards

We hosted the first ever Air Central Texas Awards on Nov. 4, 2016 at the Embassy Suites San Marcos Hotel & Conference Center. Learn more about our recipients;

2016 ACT Awards - Public Sector Award Recipents
From left to right: Brooke Hailey, the niece of Williamson County Commissioner Ronald Morrison, Glenda Morrison, the widow the Commissioner, and Williamson County Commissioner Cynthia Long; accepting the Public Sector Award.

The Air Central Texas Public Sector Award

Former Williamson County Precinct 4 Commissioner Ronald Morrison posthumously received the 2016 ACT Public Sector Award Recipient for his longtime service and leadership on the Central Texas Clean Air Coalition and the Clean Air Force of Central Texas. Capital Metro and the City of Cedar Park were also nominated for the Public Sector Award.

2016 ACT Award Private/Nonprofit Sector Award Recipent crop
From left to right: Stacey Neef, of Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance; winner of the Air Central Texas Private/Nonprofit Sector Award with Pharr Andews - City of Austin

The Air Central Texas Private/Nonprofit Sector Award

The Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance received the 2016 Air Central Texas Private/Nonprofit Sector Award for their role in cleaning the air through various projects such as migrating vehicles to alternative fuels, converting much of the booming landscaping industry in Texas to propane mowers, and development of alternative fuel infrastructure. Texas Lehigh Cement Company and the Beyond Coal campaign were also nominated for the Private/Nonprofit Sector Award.

2016 ACT Awards - Tom 'Smitty' Smith
Tom "Smitty" Smith of Public Citizen Texas speaking at the 2016 ACT Award Ceremony.

The Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award

Tom “Smitty” Smith received the 2016 Bill Gill Central Texas Air Quality Leadership Award for his work as the Director of Public Citizen’s Texas office since 1985, where he organized efforts that lead to the development of the renewable energy boom across Texas and the Texas Emission Reduction Program — both reduced air pollution in the Central Texas area and other parts of the state. This award is named in honor of CAPCOG’s former Air Quality Program Manager Bill Gill, who worked on air quality throughout his career and was instrumental in the establishment and success of the region’s air quality program. Former City of Austin and CAPCOG employee Fred Blood was also nominated for this award.